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Travel News

Spain To Allow Brits to Use E-gates At Airports

Spain have announced that Brits will be allowed to use their E-Gates at their busiest airports.

Due to new Brexit rules we haven’t been able to use the E-gates, however due to short staff and high demand for flights to Spain, they have announced that we will be allowed to use the gates, making it much quicker process for British Travellers. It willbe only inplace dor some of the busiest places, please see the list below

Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Girona, Gran Canaria, Ibiza, Lanzarote, Madrid, Málaga, Mallorca, Menorca, Valencia, Fuerteventura, Sevilla, Tenerife Sur

@evelynstravelzoneBrits can now use Spanish E-gates when travelling♬ original sound – Evelyn’s Travel Zone

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