friends lost onholiday
Events, Restaurants & Activities,Reviews

The Night I Accepted a Ride from a Stranger in France

I swear there is always some drama when I am on holiday! Why??

So it was our second day in Paris, and my boyfriend and I were having a blast with our two friends. We decided to take a break from the park and explore the city centre of Paris for the day. Little did we know that our adventure was about to take a scary turn.

When we returned to the train station near our hotel that night (we were staying on the outskirts of Paris) we realised that there were no more buses to take us back. We were stranded, far away from anything and anyone. To make matters worse, it was already dark outside.

We started to panic, wondering how we were going to get back to our hotel. We thought about walking, but the only way to get there was through a field and it would take us over an hour. It wasn’t safe and we didn’t want to risk it.

Then, a man who worked at the train station approached us, he could see we were looking confused and lost He offered to drive us to our hotel, bearing in mind this was waaayy before Uber. At first, we were hesitant and afraid, thinking that he might have other intentions. But he seemed genuine and kind, and we decided to trust him.

The whole drive was tense and we were on edge the entire time. We didn’t know what to expect, but fortunately, he dropped us off safely at our hotel.

Looking back, it was a terrifying experience, but it also taught us to trust our instincts and to be more aware of our surroundings. We will never forget that night, and it has become a part of our travel story that we share with others.

Have you ever been in a similar situation while travelling? Share your story in the comments below!

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