black woman solo travelling
Travel Tips & Info

Adventures in Independence: A Guide to Solo Female Travel

Solo travel can be a rewarding and exciting way to explore the world. As a woman traveling alone, it’s important to take some extra precautions to ensure your safety and comfort. I recently embarked on a solo trip to Tenerife for the carnival, and I’m happy to report that I had an incredible time and felt comfortable throughout my journey. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing six tips for women who are planning to travel solo, based on my own experiences and the advice of other seasoned travelers. Whether you’re a first-time solo traveler or a seasoned pro, I hope these tips will help you have a safe and enjoyable journey.

Do your research beforehand

Before traveling to a new destination, it’s important to do your research to learn about the culture, customs, and safety concerns. Make sure to research the neighborhoods you’ll be staying in and the types of transportation available to you.

Stay in safe and well-reviewed accommodations

beautiful hotel

When traveling alone, it’s important to choose accommodations that are safe and secure. Look for well-reviewed hotels, hostels, or Airbnbs that have good security measures in place.

Blend in with the locals

blend in with locals

Try to blend in with the locals as much as possible by dressing appropriately and learning a few key phrases in the local language. Avoid looking like a tourist and drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.

Stay connected with family and friends

woman on mobile in robe

Keep in touch with family and friends back home so that they know where you are and that you’re safe. It’s a good idea to check in with someone at home on a regular basis and to let them know your travel plans.

Trust your instincts

man walking behind woman

If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe in a situation, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible. Always be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut.

Make friends and socialize

Just because you’re traveling alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. Join a walking tour, sign up for a cooking class, or hang out at a local bar or café. Making friends with other travelers or locals can enhance your experience and make you feel more comfortable.


@evelynstravelzone Tips to enjoy the Tenerife Carnival #santacruzcarnaval #tenerifecarnival #santacruzcarnival ♬ original sound – Evelyn’s Travel Zone

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